Magdalena Hylak
Performer in La Traversée, Le Cercle, L’Onde
Magdalena Hylak is a dance artist based in Clifden, Western Ireland. Born in Poland, she studied culture, including theatre and dance, at the University of Wroclaw. Since 2011 she has worked with companies and choreographers including Michael Keegan Dolan (Irl), Liz Roche (Irl) and Lea Anderson (UK) as part of the Step Up Dance Project; John Scott | Irish Modern Dance Theatre, United Fall/Emma Martin (Irl), Akiko Kitamura (Jp), Ciotóg | Ríonach Ní Néill (Irl) and Catherine Young Dance (Irl), among others. Since 2017, she has been performing internationally with the Compagnie Nacera Belaza (Fr).
Her personal artistic work is funded by the Arts Council of Ireland and has been commissioned by Galway Dance Days, Galway Dance Project and Clifden Arts Festival.