Les Sentinelles.2


All along the central building’s parapet walk, at the crest of the walls and fortifications, dozens of guards could be seen, rifles slung over their shoulders, marching methodically up and down, each taking just a few steps. Like the movement of a pendulum, they punctuated the course of time, without breaking the enchantment of this solitude that seemed infinite.

The Desert of the Tartars, Dino Buzzati, trans. Michel Arnaud

A decade later Nacera Belaza is taking up this process, initially imagined as a duo (Les Sentinelles, 2010) giving it a choral dimension. Multiplying the number of performers to stretch time, hollow out space, make emptiness resonate and open up so many receptacles for the spectator’s imagination… For several weeks at the MC93-Bobigny, alongside the professional dancers, Nacera Belaza invites amateurs to take part in this perilous listening exercise.

Artistic team

Choreography, sound and light design Nacera Belaza
Interpretation Paulin Banc, Marina Bertoni, Meryem Jazouli, Alison Valence, Océane Valence, including amatrices, Clarisse Chatillon, Ines Fakhet, Ghita Serraj, Eva Studzinski
Stage management Christophe Renaud


MC93 – Bobigny as part of the Rencontres Chorégraphiques Internationales de Seine-Saint-Denis, 9 and 10 June 2023



Nacera Belaza Company


MC93 – Maison de la Culture de Seine Saint-Denis
L’échangeur – CDCN – Hauts de France


Fondation d’entreprise Hermès as part of the Artistes dans la cité programme

© Photo Luca Ianelli